A mailman is making his route. On his last day before retirement, he gets to one of the last houses when the lady of the house answers the door in a slinky negligee and says, “Today is your last day, isn’t it? Come with me; I have a surprise for […]
There were 4 people in a private plane: a captain, a priest, a boy scout, and a smartest man in the world. Suddenly they heard an explosion, the pilot realized that the engine had exploded so he announced, “Dear passengers, I am afraid that there is a technical problem in […]
Boy and his teacher conversation: Boy: “Can I go to the toilet please?” Teacher: “Say your alphabet.” Boy: “abcd efgh ijkl mnoq rstu vwxy z” Teacher: “You forgot about the p.” Boy: “The p whent down my pants.”
A newly wed couple were talking. Husband: “How many boyfriends did you have before marrying me?” When his wife wasn’t answering, he said: “Don’t want to tell?” Wife: “I’m still counting!!”
A wife and her husband were gone to see an exibition of paintings. So there was one painting, in it was a girl who was only wearing some leaves on her chest. The husband was looking at the painting with an open mouth while the wife saw the whole exibibtion […]