A guy have just been invited to his girlfriend for dinner
and sleepover for the first time. Since theyve never done
“it” he got really excited and thought that this
would be the day he lost his virginity. So the day
before the dinner he goes into an shop to buy some
condoms. He picks one up and and since hes
feeling slightly embarrased in front of the shopkeeper
he have the urge to explain.
“Well my GF invited me to an dinner tommorow
and I think this will be the night when we do “it”
for the first time”. The shopkeeper just accept it
with a nod. Then the guy takes up an second condom.
“Well its her sister. Shes like an older hotter
version of my GF and if Im lucky I might sneak up
into her bed aswell…” Then he picks up a third condom.
“Its my GFs mom, Ive seen pictures of her.
Shes really hot for her age. If Im really really lucky tommorow
I might score an hatrick” The shopkeeper rolls his
eyes a bit and then let him buy the condoms.
The next day the whole family and the BF are sitting
down around the table. The family is a little religious
so before the dinner the say grace. When the family is
done they notice the guy just keep on praying and praying.
It goes on for a long time. After a while the
GF feels nudge him in the ribs..
“I didnt know you were this religious”
“No and I didnt know youre father was an shopkeeper…”