Sarah and Isaac were lying in bed one night

Sarah and Isaac were lying in bed one night.

Isaac was tossing and turning, unable to sleep.

Sarah asks him “Isaac, Isaac, why do you fret so? “

to which Isaac replies “Oy vey, Sarah, you know that

20 kopeks I owe Ishmael across the way? Well,

I have no idea how I will repay him!”

Sarah nods her head, gets out of bed, throws

open the window and yells for Ishmael

“Ishmael! Ishmael! Wake up!”

Ishmael opens the window and cries “Sarah,

what is the matter? It is the middle of the night!”

Sarah replies “Ishmael, you know that 20

kopeks my husband owes you?”

He replies cautiously “Yes….?”

Sarah says “Well, he cannot pay you. Goodnight.”

And she closes the window .

Turning to her husband she says, “There.

Now you let Ishmael worry about it.”.