The passenger jumped out the door

A taxi driver is driving a passenger

With radio blaring local news. The passenger

asked the driver to turn down the radio. After minutes

of no response, the passenger got impatient and

tapped the driver’s shoulder.

Suddenly the taxi swerved to the left, narrowly

missing a car and skidding uncontrollably towards

a newsstand, and a hotdog stand right behind it,

until it’s stopped by a wall. The driver’s face was

paper-white and people are running left and right.

Luckily nobody was harmed.

The passenger jumped out the door and screams,

“What the hell, man?!? Are you drunk?? Sleepy??”

The driver apologizes profusely, “I’m really sorry,

Sir. I’m perfectly focused, it’s just that this is my first day on the job.”

The passenger got even more angry, “So what??

Is it your first day driving as well??”

“No, Sir,” replied the driver, “I’ve been driving since

high school, and all my life driving is the only thing I

do. It’s just that, this is the first time for me

driving a taxi. I have 20 years of experience driving a hearse.”