One day a guy was driving down the road

One day a guy was driving down the road and he came to a farmhouse.

The man went up and knocked on the door

The farmer answered and said, “howdy. Can I help you?”

The man replied, “. Yes sir. I noticed you have some Honeysuckle in your backyard.”

Farmer said, “yes Son I do.”

The man asked, Do you mind if I get a couple pails of honey?”

The farmer just laughed and said “you can’t get honey from honey suckle.

“Let me try!” Said the man

Two hours later the man came walking up with 2 pails of Honey.

The farmer asked, “how’d you do that??”

“Ahhh. It’s a secret!” Exclaimed the man

Two weeks later, another knock on the door

The farmer answered and said, “howdy. Can I help you?”

The man replied, “. Yes sir. I noticed you have some Milkweed in your backyard.”

Farmer said, “yes Son I do.”

The man asked, Do you mind if I get a couple pails of milk?”

The farmer just laughed and said “you can’t get milk from milkweed.

“Let me try!” Said the man

Two hours later the man came walking up with 2 pails of Milk.

The farmer asked, “how’d you do that??”

“Ahhh. It’s a secret!” Exclaimed the man

Two weeks later, same guy comes knocking on the door

Farmer answered and said “you again, What now?”

The man stated, “ I notice you got some Pussywillow in your backyard.”

Farmer said, “hold on. I’m getting my hat and coming with ya!!”