A man is on a business trip in Paris

A man is on a business trip in Paris and gets lonely..

He decides to call down to the hotel lobby

to see if they can arrange him an escort. Within minutes

there is a knock on the door and he opens it to see

a stunningly beautiful woman wearing a short tight

dress. “Monsieur, what are you interested in tonight?”

He thinks for a second and says “honestly, I would

love a blowjob.” She smiles and blushes slightly and

gently walks across the room to the window. “Monsieur,

look down there.. do you see the limousine down there?

The big one.. the really big one. That is mine because

I give the best blowjobs in all of Paris.” She proceeded

to show him her talents and when she was done he

was so impressed her paid her double what she

asked and off into the night she departed.

The man spent the entire next day thinking

about her and gave in eventually and called down

to the lobby and within minutes there she was again.

“Monsieur, what can I do for you this evening?”

Without hesitation he said “I would like to have anal s**

with you.” She pointed at the window. “Do you see the

helicopter in the sky? The big one? That is mine because

I am the best ass fucker in all of Paris.” They did the deed

and he agreed she was the best, he paid her double and off she went.

Days went by and the man couldn’t stop thinking of her,

he finally called a third time. “Monsieur, I missed you,

what can I do for you tonight?” She said as she

glided through the doorway. “I want to fuck your pussy

so badly.” He said and again, she pointed to the window.

“Monsieur, do you see that building? The tall one?

That would be mine if I had a pussy.”