The lonely fish

Deep in the bamboo forest, there lived a tiny fish alone

in a pond. Every day he swam around the pond in solitude.

His little heart longed for a companion. He gradually

became incredibly sad, he stopped eating and he

started losing the color in his scales. A fairy, passing by,

was taken with the plight of this sad tiny fish,

and granted him a wish. The tiny fish asked for someone

he could talk, play, and share his life with. The fairy

granted the fish’s wish. In a poof there appeared

a beautiful golden fish. She was gorgeous head to

tail and gleamed in the moon light. She was a sight

to be seen. The fairy disappeared satisfied that

there will be more happiness in the world.

A few days passed and the fairy was flying by

the pond. She noticed the tiny fish once again

was sad, glum, and devoid of happiness. The fairy

asked the tiny fish if he had talked to the other fish.

The tiny fish said no and replied that it felt so inferior

to her and would never be able to talk to her. The fairy

waved her wand and poof! The tiny fish transformed into

a tapestry of colors. And when he tried to speak, it flowed

out like a smooth tune from a bamboo flute. And he

too now gleamed in the moonlight. The fairy once again

disappeared, satisfied that there will be more

happiness in the world.

A few more days passed, and the fairy returned to

check on her tiny fish friend. She was astonished to

see that the tiny fish was still sad and glum. She asked the

tiny fish if he had at least managed to speak a few words

with the golden fish. The tiny fish shook his head and said

no. The fairy was angry and disappointed. She could not

believe that despite all her efforts she could not give

happiness to this tiny fish. She kept asking herself,

why the tiny fish could not even approach the other

fish even though he had all these amazing gifts.

Then she looked at him closer. Her eyes grew wide.

Her mouth opened wide open and let out a gasp.

She was amazed that she didn’t notice this before.

She knew exactly why the tiny fish could not talk to

the golden fish. The tiny fish was a little koi!