A man is right in the middle of furiously making love to his wife

A man is right in the middle of furiously making love

to his wife when suddenly their 5-year old son

walks in. “Mommy, daddy – can we…” He stares for

a moment, wide-eyed, then runs from the room in

tears. “Oh boy,” says the dad, “I’d better go find

Timmy and have a talk with him.” He goes to Timmy’s

room, but Timmy’s not there. He checks the kitchen,

living room and the yard. No luck. Finally, he goes

to grandma’s room and gently opens the door, only

to find grandma on all fours with Timmy full-throttle

banging away behind her. Dad gasps in shock

and calls out, “What in the hell, Timmy!?” To which

Timmy coolly replies, “Not so funny when it’s your mom, is it?”