A man and a woman have celebrating anniversary

A man and a woman have just finished celebrating

their twentieth wedding anniversary and are heading

up to bed for some twentieth anniversary maritals.

On the way up the stairs the woman glances at

the pictures of their children and thinks about how

much she loves her life. Once they get to the bedroom

the man turns off the light and they get down to business.

Mid-coitus the woman realizes that in

the twenty years she’s been married (and the four they dated)

she has never seen her husband fully naked.

Perplexed by her realization, she uses a lull in

the ploughing to turn the lamp on.

The man is wearing a strap-on dildo. The two

freeze, sharing a strangely intimate moment of

shock and confusion. Finally the man clears his throat.

“I’ll explain the toy if you explain our kids.”