A bear is chasing a rabbit through the woods

A bear is chasing a rabbit through the woods, and just as the bear is about to catch the rabbit, the rabbit runs head first into a magic lamp.

A genie comes out of the lamp and says that it will grant each animal threw wishes.

The bear goes first and says “I wish these woods were full of bears”. The genie snaps its fingers – “Wish granted!”.

The rabbit thinks and says… “I wish for a small, rabbit sized helmet”. The genie snaps its fingers – “Easy!”.

The bear gets his second wish – “I wish every other bear in the world was female”. The genie snaps its fingers – “Your wish is my command!”.

The rabbit, for its next wish, says – “I wish I had a rabbit sized motorbike”. The genie snaps its fingers – “A trifle!” and the wish is granted.

The rabbit starts revving the motorcycle while the bear grins for his final wish. The bear smirks and says, “I wish I was the only male bear in the world!”. The genie snaps its fingers – “No problem, master”.

The rabbit guns the engine and speeds away from the bear and the genie. It turns its head as he crests a hill and shouts –