A new officer arrives to his posting in the desert – funny jokes

A new officer arrives to his posting in the desert.

The sergeant shows him around, it’s a quick visit since there’s only barracks and nothing else.

The officer notices there’s an enclosed parcel of land with camels in it, and asks what that is about.

“Well, says the sergeant, they have two purposes. Carry supplies on our exercises, and relieve us sexually when we get too frustrated. Luckily they’re all female camels.”

“why don’t you ride them to town and go see a prostitute?” Asks the officer, aghast

“it’s a three-day trip one way, sir. Just wait a couple of months and you’ll understand.”

“well I’ll never!” Fumes the officer and he storms away.

Couple of months later, of course, the officer is getting desperate. So on a dark night he sneaks to the field, picks the first camel, drops his pants and go at it.

Once he’s done, he realizes the entire camp is watching him, pointing at him, snickering and shaking their heads.

Afraid he’s just been made the butt of a practical joke, he musters whatever dignity he has left and yells at the sergeant:

“Sergeant! What is the meaning of this, you told me everyone was doing it!”

“Sir, we do. But of the whole herd you picked the ugliest.”