Blonde lady is driving a convertible aggressively and cuts off big truck

This Blonde lady is driving a convertible aggressively and cuts off big truck.

The trucker flashes his lights until she pulls over. The trucker walks up and says lady are you crazy you almost killed me! He draws a circle in the dirt and tells her to stand inside the circle

and don’t move. He returns from his truck with a bat and breaks her headlight. He looks over and she’s smiling. He then takes the bat and brakes her windshield. Looks over and she’s

laughing. Enraged he goes back to his truck to fetch some gasoline and sets her car on fire. He looks over and she’s laughing hysterically. The trucker is astonished. He says Lady whats so

funny I just trashed your car?!? She says every time you turned away I stepped out of the circle.