Homeless man with a nun

A homeless man tries to sleep with a nun

A homeless man is sitting outside of a bus

station begging for change when a nun walks by.

“Hey there sexy lady! How about some love for an

old homeless man?,” he says. The nun says nothing

but gives him a nasty look and walks away. “Hey,

buddy” says a voice behind him. The homeless man

turns around to see a bus driver leaning out of his

bus. “What do you want?” the homeless man asks.

“You really wanna sleep with that nun?” the bus

driver asks, “What you need to do is go down to

the Jesus statue in the park. She goes down there

to pray at midnight every night.” And he throws the

homeless man $20. “Go down to the costume shop

and pick up an angel costume and pretend you’re

God.” The homeless man nods and thanks the bus driver.

As it gets closer to midnight, the homeless

man goes down to the Jesus statue dressed as

God and hides behind it. Exactly at midnight the

nun comes down to the statue and kneels in prayer.

Right as she finished the homeless man walks around

the statue and says, “Young woman, I am God and I

have listened to your prayers. I only have one request

and that is that I wish to sleep with you.” The nun is

hesitant at first but then agrees but only if it can be anal,

as she wants to keep her virginity. The homeless man

agrees and they start to fuck. Right after they finish

the homeless man rips off his mask and says,

“HAHA, I am not God! I am the homeless man from

the bus stop!” To which the nun rips off a mask and

shouts, “HAHA, I am not the nun, I am the bus driver!”