Four women talk about their sons

Four women talk about their sons in a café.

One of them goes to the bathroom, and while she’s absent, the first woman says:

My son is very successful. He’s the best lawyer in the country and he had just bought his friend a villa for his birthday.

The second woman follows up:

Well, my son is doing great as well. He’s a famous actor and had just bought his best friend a private jet.

The third woman says:

Nice to hear that, my son is a world-renowned scientist and he bought his mate a brand-new Rolls Royce!

Just about then, the fourth woman returns from the bathroom and gets asked:

How is your son doing? What is his job?

Oh yeah, he works as a gay escort. He’s well known around his city.

Her friends laugh and reply:

Wow, aren’t you ashamed of that?!? It must be embarassing to have a son who hooks up with other men for a living!

She replies calmly:

No, why would I? He’s happy with his job and I’m not going to deter him from that path.

Besides, he is in a happy relationship with his three boyfriends.

For his birthday, he got a huge villa in Beverly Hills, his own private

jet and a new, custom-made Rolls Royce!