The same hotel one weekend

After the ceremonies and wedding meals, all three

grooms happened to be at the bar at the same time

and they got talking about how they were looking

forward to their wedding nights.

The first groom said “Hey we should let each other

know how we got on. How about, at breakfast, the

number of pieces of toast we order is the number

of times we, er, consummated our marriages?!”

The other two grooms agreed, and they went on

their way, partying until the small hours, where

upon they took their respective brides to their

respective rooms for their respective wedding nights.

The next morning at breakfast, they all gave each other

little smiles until the waiter asked the first groom how

many pieces of toast he would like.

“Just three pieces of toast for me!” he announced,

and the other two groom gave him appreciative nods.

The second groom, when asked by the waiter said

in a slightly louder voice “I shall have five, yes five,

pieces of toast please.” And with a big grim, he looked around

and saw the other two grooms winking and raising their

glasses of orange juice in his direction.

Finally, the waiter approached the third groom

and ask him how many pieces of toast he would like.

The man answered “I will have seven pieces

of toast pleaseā€¦.. and can you make 2 of them brown?!”