A man takes a business trip to a small town

A man takes a business trip to a small town in

a remote valley…NSFW

and when he checks into the only hotel in

the town, he quietly asks the manager:

“Y’know, do you have any girls here,

for, uh, ‘nighttime favours’?”

“Not really”, the manager answers, “we only have Bob.”

The man is a bit confused, replies “Hm, no

thank you” and goes to his room.

At night, he is lying on his bed, sleepless, and

cannot control his urges any longer, so he decides to

call up the manager again.

“You know, I’ve changed my mind, please call

Bob for me. How much does he usually charge?”

“You’ll need to pay about eighty bucks”

“Okay, fine, and how will we go about this?

I give the eighty to Bob and then we’ll fuck?”

“Nah, not really, you’ll have to pay forty to

the mayor, because it’s his city and he doesn’t really

like it when this happens. So if you pay him first, he’ll look the other way”

“Sure, so Bob only gets forty dollars, but then we’ll fuck!”

“Ah, not quite. See, I’ll take twenty of those, since it’s my hotel,

and I also don’t really like it when this happens.”

“Whatever, if Bob is satisfied with the twenty that are left over,

it’s fine. So I’ll just give those to him, and

then we can get it on?”

“Nope, John and Tony will be splitting the remaining

twenty, they’ll be holding Bob down, because he

also doesn’t really like it when this happens.”