Adam was feeling lonely

so God created all of the animals to be his companions.

“God,” Adam said, “These animals are great and all,

but none of them seem like truly great companions for me.”

“Well, Adam, I think I know exactly what you

need. Tonight, I will create a Woman for you.”

“A Woman? What’s that?”

“Well, I’m sure she’ll be the perfect companion

for you. Women are extremely kind, moreso than

the most loving animals. They are beautiful,

even more than the most colorful birds.”

At this point, Adam was convinced. “Well, what’s

stopping you? This woman sounds great!”

“Well,” said God, “There’s a bit of a cost issue.

To make a woman, I’ll need some of your body.”

“Oh. Well, I guess it’s to be expected no

great thing is free…what’ll it cost me?”

“An arm and a leg.”

Adam thought long and hard about this,

and eventually replied, “That’s rather expensive.

What can I get for a rib?”