John is making love with his wife

John and his wife are living in an apartment complex

and they make love pretty regularly. Every night

when they do it the wife moans uncontrollably.

One day, John’s old neighbor, Peter approaches him.

Hey John, uhm, I don’t know how to tell you this,

but every night when you make love to your

wife me and the rest of the neighbors can hear

her moan and she’s a bit too loud.

I am sorry Peter. But I’m sure it’s not that bad.

Trust me, it is. It keeps us awake. Could you

please do something about it?

What do you suggest sir?

I don’t know, maybe put your hands above her

mouth to stop the noise.

I will give it a try tonight Peter.

The night comes and John starts making love to

his wife again, this time however, he puts his hands

over her mouth to stop the moaning.

1 hour into the s** and he screams :

How is this Peter, is this better?

The neighbor hears him and responds “Yes, that’s good”.

Another hour passes and John asks again :

What about now, how is this? is this good?

Peter wakes up and answers him again “Yes

John, that is alright, keep it going”.

After another hour John wants to hear the neighbor

opinion and asks “Peter, you sure this is good enough?

Peter wakes up and scream “Shut up already, the neighbors think you’re fucking me”.